The Outperform Cancer Podcast.

Bringing the world’s brightest minds in cancer research to you.

Marybeth Gilliam

Cancer, Anti-cancer strategies, Bone Metastasis Marybeth Gilliam Cancer, Anti-cancer strategies, Bone Metastasis Marybeth Gilliam

Dr. Xiang Zhang: Bone Trauma & Cancer; The Hidden Risk No One Talks About & What to Do

🦴 Did you know bone trauma can increase your risk of cancer recurrence? Groundbreaking research reveals that fractures, osteoporosis, and even surgery can awaken dormant cancer cells, leading to metastasis. Dr. Xiang Zhang explains the hidden connection and what you can do to reduce your risk. Watch now to protect your bone health & fight cancer recurrence! 💪🎗️

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Cancer, Anti-cancer strategies, High-Dose Vitamin C Marybeth Gilliam Cancer, Anti-cancer strategies, High-Dose Vitamin C Marybeth Gilliam

Double Survival in Pancreatic Cancer: High-Dose IV Vitamin C Breakthrough in New Randomized Trial

New randomized clinical trial reveals double progression-free survival and double overall survival for pancreatic cancer patients when receiving high-dose vitamin C with standard chemotherapy. Additional clinical trial work by Dr. Cullen indicates this approach also improves survival in for glioblastoma. Other clinical trials associated with University of Iowa reveal further positive benefits of IVC for colorectal and non-small cell lung cancer patients. Learn more in this impactful episode.

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